_ADMIN Membership Directory

Prepare the data file

Get the Excel spreadsheet of the members from Bob Agnew
Make a backup copy
Open with Microsoft Excel and sort it by season (e.g., 2024-25)
Select and delete all other entries
Save it as a CSV UTF-8 (comma delimited) (.csv) file

Create the Mail Merge data document

Create the working document

Double click on “PPC MM Directory Template.dotx
This will create a new DOCX file based on the template

Mail Merge

Select Mailings > Start Mail Merge
Select Directory
Select Mailings > Select Recipients
Select Use An Existing List
Select the .CSV file you created in the first steps
Click OK
Select Mailings > Finish and Merge
Select Edit Individual Documents
Scroll through result and edit spacing so that there are exactly three entries on each page

Prepare the front matter document

Open “PPC MM Directory Front Matter.docx” with Microsoft Word
Edit season date, board and committee members

Merge data and front matter documents

Open the front matter document
Ctrl A to select all
Ctrl C to copy all
In the mail merged document, select the very first line
Ctrl V to insert the front matter

Create the cover and finished documents

Open “PPC MM Directory Cover.pptx” with Microsoft PowerPoint
Update the season date
Choose new pictures from the EOY winners.
For print copies: save as PDF as use as is
For electronic copies: cut and paste the appropriate pages (two at front, two at rear) into the document you created when you merged the data and front matter.

You now have a complete directory to either send to the printer or to distribute electronically