Prepare the data file
- Get the Excel spreadsheet of the members from Bob Agnew
- Make a backup copy
- Open with Microsoft Excel and sort it by Count
- Select and delete all entries with a Count value of zero
- Save it as a CSV UTF-8 (comma delimited) (.csv) file
Create the Mail Merge data document
Create the working document
Double click on “PPC MM Directory Template.dotx“
This will create a new DOCX file based on the template
Mail Merge
Select Mailings > Start Mail Merge
Select Directory
Select Mailings > Select Recipients
Select Use An Existing List
Select the .CSV file you created in the first steps
Click OK
Select Mailings > Finish and Merge
Select Edit Individual Documents
Scroll through result and edit spacing so that there are exactly three entries on each page
Prepare the front matter document
- Open “PPC MM Directory Front Matter.docx” with Microsoft Word
- Edit season date, board and committee members
Merge data and front matter documents
Open the front matter document
Ctrl A to select all
Ctrl C to copy all
In the mail merged document, select the very first line
Ctrl V to insert the front matter
Create the cover and finished documents
- Open “PPC MM Directory Cover.pptx” with Microsoft PowerPoint
- Update the season date
- Choose new pictures from the EOY winners.
- For print copies: save as PDF as use as is
- For electronic copies: cut and paste the appropriate pages (two at front, two at rear) into the document you created when you merged the data and front matter.
You now have a complete directory to either send to the printer or to distribute electronically